W'loo as I call it, is a rapidly gentrifying area. It's got the navy marina on one end and coffee shops, art galleries and design studios on the other. In between are brothels, the vestiges of public housing, and shanty towns set up by the homeless under the overpasses that carry train passengers from the eastern suburbs to the city.
It's the only place I could imagine living in Sydney. Everyone here thinks I'm nuts; but it's cheaper, no one hassles me, and its really convenient to everywhere I need to be. And I love it, for all its particularities.
This photo was taken on my street on the "design studios block" before Riley Street. I like to think it was the result of a gay lovers spat that resulted in a handful of French cuffed dress shirts being tossed out onto the dirty sidewalk. But that's probably just my overactive imagination.
I'm now curious to see if any of the homeless people picked them up and will be rocking them around my neighborhood later this week?
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